Evening in the Garden Quilts

Adventures in Fabric Art

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Sunday Stash Report: 11/18/18

This week I made another dozen of these, for a total of twenty-four, half of what I’ll need for the quilt.

What I can count out of the stash is a hostess gift that used a little over half a yard. Inching along, but I’m going to make 50 yards!

This week: + 0 yards, – .5 yards

This year: + 81.25 yards, – 124 yards

Net destashed added in 2018: 42.75 yards

Now my supplies have arrived and I need to get busy on some Christmas sewing.

Keep using your stash!


Panel Quilts

Here are the official results of my summer/fall immersion in using printed panels to inspire quilts. (I have one more panel, designed to be placemats. That can wait for the new year.)

I truly don’t remember what started me on this journey, but it led to me finding these panels on sale at eQuilter.

The last one, with the cardinals, was the simplest. I just left the panel alone and added borders. On the others, I either added patchwork or cut apart and framed the blocks.

The top three are baby quilts, and the bottom three are throw-sized. I think my favorite is the one with the baby animals. The Moon baby quilt has already sold in my Etsy shop, and the others are available there.

This wasn’t among my goals for this year, but at least the Moon quilt is low volume, so that counts!

Thanks for playing along.

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Sunday Stash Report: 11/11/18

Wow, what a date. Happy Veterans Day to all.

I can’t show you my finish, so this is what I’m currently working on. I often piece my large log cabin blocks on the Shumway catalog- look at that artwork!

My two small finishes this week used a yard of fabric.

However, I did buy a half yard of new fabric, so just creeping along.


This week: + .5 yards, – 1.0 yards

This year: + 81.25 yards, – 123.50 yards

Net destashed added in 2018: 42.25 yards

Keep using your stash!

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Sunday Stash Report: 11/4/18

2018-11-04 16.40.20

Finished one quilt this week, and didn’t buy any more fabric.


This week: + 0 yards, – 6.75 yards

This year: + 80.75 yards, – 122.50 yards

Net destashed added in 2018: 41.75 yards


Nibbling away at that yardage!  How about you?


The Last Christmas Quilt

2018-11-03 15.45.44

Well, no, not the last ever, just for this fall.  Aren’t the colors here beautiful, both quilt and woods?  No filter, just the light by the end of my photo shoot.

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Here are the real colors from just a few minutes earlier.  I managed to erase my photo of the back, but it’s black with fewer snowflakes than the inner border fabric.  And I finally remembered to use black batting!  It’s Quilter’s Dream Poly.  It was thin and flat like cotton, so it was very easy to use.  Now that it’s washed, it’s lighter than cotton, with just a little more loft, and probably warmer.  I would use it again.

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The metalic thread is Superior’s Glitter, and it sewed like a charm.

2018-11-03 15.43.30

2018-11-03 15.47.35

This is the last of my panels (I have one more for placemats that I’ll probably make next year.) and the one to which I did the least.  I left it intact and just added two borders.

2018-11-03 15.44.22

This quilt finished at 49″ x 63″.  I originally had the outer border a little wider, but someone cut the backing a little short, so…

2018-11-03 15.46.51

Have a great week!

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October / November Goals

2018-10-23 12.15.52

October was not a productive month for me in the quilting department.  The weather was really hot until it was very chilly and wet.  I spent the nicer days working outside and the rainy ones traveling around.  Sewing only happened once or twice a week.

October Goals:

  1. Make a mat for a cart in my kitchen.  Nope.
  2. Piece the cardinal panel Christmas quilt.  Yes!
  3. Quilt and bind cardinal Christmas quilt.  No.  I’m almost finished with the quilting.
  4. Make blocks for a donation quilt (probably log cabins).  No, not at all.

Bonus:  Made a little pillowcase for a travel pillow.

So, a lot more nos than yeses.  And I have no illusions that November will be better, so the new list is modest.

November Goals:

  1. Finish cardinal Christmas quilt.
  2. Secret Christmas project.
  3. Tiny Christmas project.
  4. Make blocks for a donation quilt (probably log cabins).


Are you sewing a lot for Christmas?  I don’t usually, but I thought I’d try a couple of things.  First the studio needs a clean-up.

Good luck on your goals.