Evening in the Garden Quilts

Adventures in Fabric Art


Sunday Stash Report: 10/25/2020

This week I bought one yard of fabric, and I used four yards last week for the Kitten Christmas hangings.

This week: + 1 yards, – 4 yards

This year: + 89.5 yards,  – 120.5 yards

Total destashed / added in 2020: 31 yards

Also, if you want to send quilts to help those affected by the fires, here are some posts.

For Oregon: https://confessionsofafabricaddict.blogspot.com/2020/09/i-may-have-scrap-problem-preparations.html

For California: http://www.aqsblog.com/quilt-drive-for-fire-survivors?trk_msg=U2G128666HTKN8RE910NKTFLE8&trk_contact=R44J4406Q35LDIJGJAJBQGGV5K&trk_sid=JMGQ956P3QKGGFBH49M7J2UK88&utm_source=listrak&utm_medium=email&utm_term=Learn+More&utm_campaign=OnPoint&utm_content=OnPoint

That’s a good way to use your stash! Or clean out your quilt closet!