Evening in the Garden Quilts

Adventures in Fabric Art


Sunday Stash and March/April Goals

2016-03-27 10.36.54This week I didn’t buy fabric and I did use 4.25 yards for a commissioned baby quilt.

2016-03-21 15.39.12This week:  + 0 yards,  – 4.25 yards
This year: + 47.5 yards,  – 67.5 yards
Net destashed in 2016:  20.00 yards


March Goals

  1. Complete the third clue for Charlotte’s Scrappy Stars Around the Corner.  Yes!  Right here.
  2. Make a back and donate it with the top from Gyleen’s Bricks, Cobblestones, and Pebbles mystery quilt.  Well, it’s not mailed yet, but I did make  buy a wide piece of backing to send with it.
  3. Clear the area behind the door in my studio.  This is mostly finished.  There is still a large photo to hang and a couple things I haven’t made decisions about yet.
  4. Make donation blocks for Kat’s March Drive.  Yes!  Here.
  5. Make some summer-themed wall hangings.  Yes!  Here.
  6. Participate in Darla’s March-A-Long, where we sew a little every day. Yes!  I’m very proud that I spent at least 15 minutes, usually much more, sewing/designing/cleaning the studio every day though March 27.

Bonus:  I made two jungle-themed baby quilts, inspired by fabric I had bought 0ver Christmas.  And I made some blocks for Alycia’s drive.


For April, I don’t have many sewing goals.  I’m going to have a partial knee replacement on Monday, so it will be a while till I can climb up to the studio to work.  In the meantime, I got out some old knitting projects, and I’ll try to catch up all the audio and visual quilting things I usually put off.

April Goals:

  1. Complete Clue 4 for Charlotte’s Scrappy Blocks Around the Corner.
  2. Make blocks for Kat’s April Block Drive.
  3. Watch my Craftsy Classes.
  4. Catch up, more or less, on quilty podcasts.
  5. Work on knitting UFOs.

Happy Easter to everyone!  I’m linking up to the Stash Report at Patchwork Times.


Sunday Stash Report: 3/20/16


This week I made these three spring wall hangings for my Etsy shop.  Each one took about three quarters of a yard.  And I didn’t buy any fabric!  These were quick and lots of fun to work on, and came almost all from old stash.  However, in the last few weeks I’ve used up all my light green Kona solids, so I need to replenish those…

This week:  + 0 yards,  – 2.25 yards
This year: + 47.5 yards,  – 63.25 yards
Net destashed in 2016:  15.75 yards

Hope your stash is headed the right way!  I’m linking up to the Stash Report at Patchwork Times.


WIP Wednesday

2016-03-16 13.48.15This week I’ve been making wall hangings/ table runners.  This is finished.

2016-03-16 13.47.55And these need the binding.

IMG_2609Well, okay, I put the binding on this afternoon, and I like this photo!

What are you working on?


Sunday Stash Report: 3/13/16


It was a pretty good week with the Stash.  I did buy three quarters of a yard of a spring panel fabric.  But I finished this little zebra quilt.  I spent one afternoon just cutting up the scraps and putting away fabric.


And most of the week went into assembling Clue #3 for Scrappy Stars Around the Corner, so that finish will be way down the road.

This week:  + .75 yards,  – 3.5 yards
This year: + 47.5 yards,  – 61 yards
Net destashed in 2016:  13.5 yards


Have a great week, and use that Stash!
Linking up to the Stash Report at Patchwork Times.


Two Wild Finishes

IMG_2604I bought these animal prints (zebras and giraffes, and a fun text print) on sale over Christmas and I think I intended to use them together in one or two quilts.  When it came down to it, they wanted to be two very different  baby quilts (and a third still to come, since I made double the blocks for one, but that’s another story 😉  )  They’re an interesting mix of quilting cotton, batik, and flannel, very fun and tactile.





















These both have more quilting than it looks, because I did some structural quilting in the ditch before I did the fun decorative parts.

Thanks for looking!  These are in my Etsy shop now.


Sunday Stash Report: 3/6/16


I bought some fabric this week, but I had some finishes, too, so it works out.


I used about a yard making donation blocks for Kat and Alycia.  The top and back of Bricks, Cobblestones and Pebbles came to nine and a half yards (it’s ready to go off to Quilts of Compassion, where I will let them long arm it, as I have no good ideas for quilting it).   And I made a baby quilt that I’ll show later, three and a half yards.

This week: + 8.25 yards,  – 14.00 yards
This year: + 46.75 yards,  – 57.5 yards
Net destashed  in 2016:  10.75 yards


Hope you’re making progress with your stash!  I’m linking up to the Stash Report at Patchwork Times.