Evening in the Garden Quilts

Adventures in Fabric Art


Rainbow Finish

This quilt is finished and has reached it’s new owner.

It’s the fourth one of these rainbows made with 2.5″ straight grain fabric strips. My customer wanted these colors that are so popular now. Great idea!

I did the cloud quilting in the white background again.

And you know what I’m doing with the scraps!


Another Baby Finish

I made this quilt using some “Remix” lollies fabric by Jen Kingwell for Moda.

I know this isn’t the way most people use a lollie, but I wanted to include the black and white dividing lines and to make the colors very random. The randomness didn’t really work out- there’s a lot of gold in this! I’ll cut it differently when I use the rest.

This is in my Etsy shop.

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Friday Finish

Here’s the latest rainbow quilt.

I struggled with making the stripes turn the corners, but I finally got the triangles cut without wasting fabric.

The binding is a eighth inch stripe by Riley Blake.

Find this soon in my Etsy shop.


Sunday Stash Report, and Rainbow #3

2020-07-19 13.57.46 (1)Here’s that finished Rainbow quilt, made from WoF strips appliqued to the background.  The rainbow wanted to be round, so it is.  I’m sure I’ll make another version of this.  The rainbow is textured from the stretching, but in a nice way.

2020-07-19 13.59.08 (1)


This week: + 0 yards, – 3.25 yards

This year: + 61.25 yards, – 84.5 yards

Total destashed / added in 2020:  23.25 yards


2020-07-19 14.02.18 (1)

This quilt (but not Yuri!) will be for sale in my Etsy shop.

Rainbow Finish

2020-05-01 16.18.34 (1)

This one-block quilt is a new direction for me, and I like the result. I would tweek some things for another one, making the rainbow taller and thinner. I was just happy when I figured out how to make a rainbow without resorting to giant applique or curved piecing.

2020-05-01 16.18.53 (1)

I decided to make this baby quilt (36″ x 42″) after seeing examples of earth-tone rainbows for nurseries on Pinterest and Etsy.

2020-05-01 16.20.47 (1)

Also, I was looking for a use for a couple of fabrics from the “When Skies are Gray” line, like these umbrellas.

2020-05-01 16.20.38 (1)

I intended to narrow strips of more fabrics to make the stripes, but I found the perfect colors in my 2.5 strip container.

2020-05-01 16.18.43 (1)

The quilting is sort of a clamshell. I hope it suggests clouds. I like the look, but I think this quilt could have used a little more quilting. The good news is that I got my stitch regulator working, so that made life easier.

2020-05-01 16.21.03 (1)

Find this baby quilt in my Etsy shop.

2020-05-01 16.21.41 (2)